You can do anything with coffee!

Tuesday got off to a late start for me. I had company at noon, and didn't start my list of sewing things until late afternoon. But once I got going...I just didn't stop! I knew I would need coffee to accomplish my sewing tasks, so I took on 2 before I got into things... and had a 3rd before the night was through!

I think this was the first thing I did. Cut out knit outfits for my girlies. No pattern, just free handed, going by existing garments. Like my Mama taught me! :-)

From there I went to my mending/alterations pile and knocked out quite a few. Mostly my daughter's things. Pants need darts in the waist. A buttonhole on the shirt had come undone. Threads had popped in one place on the polka dotted panties. She took a pair of scissors to the hem of the pink shorts, so I had to cut and re-hem them. Now they're good for wearing under dresses I suppose. And in he bottom corner is a skirt for me (hopefully) I'll have to find a steel blue top to go with it. Then we'll see if its an okay style for me, or not...? About the skirt, I'll fess up.. I actually, kinda went dumpster diving for that one... but no, it wasn't in a dumpster. There's a spot at the dump where people will leave furniture/old toys/home goods/etc.. and one day it was apparent that someone had held a yard sale, and everything that didn't sell, was set at the dump. There were clearly 2 large black bags full of clothing.. so I grabbed them, took them home, and dumped them all in a pile on my back porch. I did end up throwing 1/3 of it back into the trash, because it really did need to be dumped. But some things, I couldn't believe were thrown away!!? I found 3 raincoats, one was a carter's size 3, perfect fit for my girl. Looked brand new! I also found a hot pink rain coat for me, looks perfect! And the last one was a size 2X.. since I didn't know who would fit that one, I gave it to a clothing swap. There were more things, some that seemed brand new, and I gave them to people I knew that they would fit. Dumpster diving is a little undignified, yes...but I would probably do it again ;-)

This one was a shirt that came with jeans and a sweater. When I took the sweater off the shirt, I couldn't believe how short the body was! I'm going to use this coordinating fabric from another t-shirt, to give it a nice gathered blouse below the chest. It will be an adorable tunic! I'll post a pic when its done! Will probably do it sometime next week.  I got the blue t-shirt from the clothing swap, just to use for up-cycle because the fabric was polka dots! :-)

From there I called a friend for some info. Her sister is getting married and I needed to know what colors she likes! I pulled some coordinating fabrics out for pot holders. So far, just the tops are put together. So that's part of the bridal shower gift :-) All of these fabrics were given to me by an elderly couple who loved auctions. I bought some things from them, and they gave me the fabrics for free! :-)

After all those different projects, I started on what I was supposed to be doing... (all you crafters (and procrastinators) know what I'm talking about!) A swimsuit that was on order, and needing to be done. It was past midnight when I started this project that would take several hours.. But I did it, I cut it out, put the major seams together, and did all the finishes in one, morning?? I know its just one photo, of one project..but trust me, it took hours! lol! I went to bed just after 5am, and slept till just after 8am, when baby girl woke up. I did take some nice photos of this suit outdoors. I'll post them laterz!

Now I'm going to have to follow up on all the unfinished projects I've shown lol!


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