Working long and hard!

Its been crazy around here lately! I've not posted on the blog this whole month! Near the end of this month I'm going to do a big post with all the pictures of all the projects I've done this month. I'm going to be like: "This is why you've not heard anything from me this month!" So yes, really busy around here! 

I'm sharing this (that I also just wrote on my FB wall) because its easy to copy and paste!!! And I know y'all will understand that the reason I'm tired is because I've been up late working on orders lol! So enjoy the following little story from my life.... 

 We're (or more specifically, *I'm wiped out) I was trying to rest after staying up late on Monday and Tuesday night, but Miriam was going to see to it that I didn't get my rest.

 So last night, we get home, and Miriam had fallen asleep in the vehicle right before 8pm. No big deal.. just put her to bed. I laid down on the couch thinking I'd get a little rest and then get up and work some more that night. No such thing... Jubilee and I both fell asleep. The TV and lamp stayed on all night long. This morning Miriam was up by 6am. Which was earlier than usual for her. At 6:30am, I hear through the speaker, on the house phone "Jackson County 911... Jackson County 911" Miriam had dialed the emergency number, and as is their procedure, a nice police lady came to make sure there wasn't an emergency. After visiting with the nice police lady, I was still exhausted, so I kept trying to rest while Miriam insisted that I should be up! She drug out shoes, toys, blankets, my laundry... At length I'd had enough chaos, and got up to raise a little chaos of my own! That girl was going to get it! One by one, I made her put back the things she'd pulled out! Now lunch is done, they've had strawberries out on the patio, been in the kiddy pool, got cleaned up, and are in bed taking naps! Praise the Lord! I'm working on getting my sanity back!! Here are pictures of my sleeping babies <3 Now for a shower and some coffee!! 

 My little tornado right here! 

Insisted she didn't need a nap :-) 


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