Stretchy Ties

Yesterday I posted on my facebook page, these pictures of a suit I'd done for one of my customers. She loved the suit and left me a lovely note that I've posted below. 

 The customer was very pleased with her suit. She wrote this: 

"Hi Savannah,
I got my swimsuit in on Wednesday, and I love it!!! It fits perfect and I love the style and print!!!! Thank you SO much! It is very well made, cute and modest.
You are doing a great work by providing modest swimsuits, in a day & age when most everyone wears bikinis!I will send a picture of me in my new swimsuit soon.
Thank you again, so much! I love it!!!!!
  PS. The fabric you tied on my package is now tied to the tail of a toy mouse for my cats. The mouse now has a very long tail and the cats love it because it's so bouncy when I play with them. :-) "

What she's talking about when she spoke of the fabric I tied on the package are these stretchy cords that I tie in a bow around the packages. I'm not absolutely certain, but its probably fairly unique to me. About 2 years ago I discovered this technique that I use to decorate my packages today. The bows I tie on the packages are simply swim fabric. The fabric is cut into 3/4"- 1" strips and then stretched until it curls up into a pretty, stretchy tie! Depending on which way the fabric stretches (and you'll have to test it out) it will either curl up to show either the inside or the outside of the print. I want the outside of the pretty print to show. Certain fabrics may not want to curl up, but when I find one that does, I try to get several strips out of it and curl them!! Here's 2 example pictures below... 

*A later edit*

 She sent me photos of her wearing the suit at the beach :-) 


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