Sports Style Suit

Still continuing on in my "style" list of swimwear. Here goes another one!

The Sports Style Suit

This consisted of 3 pieces actually. The top was a tank but wasn't closely fitted, it was loose and longer, with vents in the sides.  Stripes down the sides of the top helped give it a very "sporty", though it could be made without the stripes just as well. The skirt and pants were separate pieces with each having their own elastic waist band. However...the skirt and pants these days are combined on one elastic band, so they're one piece. This is a style I don't necessarily make this style any more, its just here as kind of a memory. See pictures below. Pictures are organized from most recent, to oldest.

 Anna wearing a Colorful print accented with purple.


 Close-up of neck and arm detail.

Close-up of top, stripes down the sides with vents. :-) 

Older Pictures....

Isabel (Middle) is wearing the "sports style" 

 I was wearing an all print version of this style

 Lisa wanted a very high neck line and an all print suit. This suit had all three pieces, not with the skirt and shorts together on one elastic band. 

Up next is a style inspired by my sister Anna.
 Its called The Under Armor Suit.


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