The Under Armor Suit

The Under Armor Suit

I am going to give the credit for this interesting swimming outfit to my sister Anna. She is always challenging my sewing capabilities with new ideas. But I love it, and it always makes for new designs :-) Anna wanted to buy a swimming shirt (black, under armor brand) that she'd seen in the store, and then have me make bottoms that coordinated. She wanted the bottoms to consist of the spandex pants and an A-line skirt together on an elastic band. This was the first time that I'd combined a skirt and pants together on a band. Before they each had their own band like in the Sports Style Suit. Anna chose a floral print for her skirt, one that matched her black shirt and black pants to go under the skirt. It turned out awesome! I love the way it looked on her and more importantly, she really liked it too. See pictures below. 



Showing the elastic waist band


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