Sold out....Yay!?

 Yesterday I bought a few more swim fabrics and in the end I was unsure about one of them. Today I received an email from the seller saying he was sold out of the one I wasn't sure about, and he refunded the extra money to me. Usually I'm not too happy when that happens. But this time, I'm rather pleased! Praise the Lord! :-)

In other news, I'm working on several sewing projects, some swimwear, some not. I found a really neat skirt idea on someone else's blog that I just had to try out. So its in pieces waiting for me to get back to it. 
 I am also working on a re-purposing project taking one of my old turtle necks and making a little outfit for Jubilee. It had a few spots on the front but was so soft and such a neat ribbed fabric that I hated to throw it away. I've been taking pictures all along the way, but that project is on hold until I get some dark grey thread. 
 Two orders for swimwear in since yesterday and I've got something else on the burner that I'll be revealing as soon as I'm close to done with it.

 So much to do and so little time! Jubilee has been making things a little difficult to accomplish. She's teething and just wants to be held. She was bored this afternoon, so my Sis took her over to Mom's house so her Uncles could entertain her. So Finally I am able to do some cleaning, and sorting through some clothes like I needed to! Oh, its been so busy! Just gotta keep trucking! 

Hope everyone has a safe and fun filled weekend! 



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