Todler's Purse

One day this past fall, I'd been doing some cooking and somehow one of my pot holders found its way onto the floor. Jubilee picked it up and carried it around by its little loop. She paraded all throughout the house with this little pot holder, and it hit me! The child would like a purse! Aha! That would be part of her Christmas I thought. So I searched for a simple design online and found the perfect thing. Simple and quick, and it came with a printable pattern! I already had all the things I'd need; it was a done deal. Below you'll find a few pictures I took, as well as the tutorial I used. :-) 

 Outdoor Picture

 Indoor Picture

 There she goes! Good luck getting a toddler to pose for you :-P

 I found the tutorial here: Bracelet Purse    


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