Tugg&Theethe *Sensory Baby Toy

So I had this huge pile of scrap swim fabric that I was just going to throw away but I had this idea to make a baby toy out of them. I've seen many people make similar things, and I've even heard that they're sold in stores by a company called T a g g i e s.  I've never bought one from them.. But today after I'd made a few of my own design, I came across this article that said the owners of  T a g g i e s  had a patent that said its illegal for anyone to make and sell blankets, burp cloths, toys, etc with ribbons on them or just make them for home use. "Any loop sewn between two pieces of fabric" they say they own it. As ridiculous as that is, because people have made things with ribbon loops on them from the time of my Grandmother's sewing days, they do have a patent that affirms that you can't copy their idea (even though it didn't originally come from them) Mine do have a loop or two but if I was to sell any of them, I'd probably cut the loops to avoid any unwanted warnings from the company. 

Take a look, they're cute as can be! I especially like the one with the braided fabrics!!! They're made from swimwear fabrics only. 80% Nylon, and 20% Spandex. Since this fabric is made for water, it can go in the bathtub, and in the pool too! Use the loops to attach a floatation toy. (if mine in the future don't have loops they'll have something that will allow you to tie a toy onto it) Other than that, those sweet babies can drool on it to their heart's content! :-)


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