Weekend get away

I know I promised to have this up a week ago (or at least I said so on my Facebook Fan Page) and I'm sorry.. life has been more than a little busy. I think I'm going to start scheduling my posts and just write a few at a time, when I feel like it, and my brain is in blogging mode. 

I promised to show you some of what my weekend looked like...a few weeks ago. So here it is. (and I promise I'm going to do better with blogging!)

 You wouldn't think that we'd take a weekend get away at my inlaw's house would you? ;-) No, we just went for a visit, but it sure felt like a get away. When I go to my in law's home, they go out of their way to make us feel at home. My Mother-in-love many times, insists that I don't help cook or clean... and she holds the baby while I sew! That's right, she lets me bring my sewing machine and clears room for me at the kitchen table. I know right? All my crafting/sewing buddies have my permission to be terribly jealous! I'm spoiled and I like it lol! Here's the table, full of sewing machines. I brought an order I was working on... 

She and my little sister in law had their machines at the table before I so rudely interrupted things ;-) No, they didn't mind at all.

For dinner that Friday night, Mom Carty made a 5 cheese lasagna and home made bread. It was awesome! After dinner my husband and some of his siblings pulled out the Settlers of Catan game, and played a few rounds. If you've not tried this game yet, you should! 

Meanwhile, Gram and Jubilee made cookies :-)


Saturday rolled around and we had some driving to do... 2.5 hrs to a family get together that lasted 3hrs, and then drove 2.5 hrs back. That may seem like a lot of driving for that amount of time but really it seemed a lot less exhausting than what we usually do at Christmas time. We'd make that trip for lunch and presents, then go out to dinner with more family, and then drive back. Only last Christmas we didn't just go back to my in law's..we drove all the way home because hubby had to be at work the next day. It was a 5 hr drive home and after midnight when we got to bed. Now THAT was an exhausting trip! Anyway, back to Saturday... Here's a picture taken at the get together, of Uncle Doug and baby Miriam :-) We love Uncle Doug. He's a hoot!


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