What I'm here for...
I am inspired to write on alternative modest swimwear. I received an email from a young lady (16) who told me she was tired of walmart bathing suits. Its hard to find modest swimwear she told me, and who wants to wear a t-shirt over their suit? Nobody does. Sometimes we think its just sooo hard to find anything modest! Well that can be true, but its really not that hard if you just know where to look. And I'll get to that in a moment.. Another thing is that everyone has their own sense of style. Some may not like my style, and there are other people out there who make modest swimwear. Maybe you prefer their style over mine? That's just fine. And everyone's sense of what is modest is different too. There are places like LLBean, and Lands End which provide more coverage than some places. And there are people who are perfectly happy with those. What I want to tell you about today is something you may not have realized. And that is that you can find a modest swim shirt...pro...