
Showing posts from June, 2013

Evolution of the Swimsuit

My mother-in-love sent me this video and I would like to share it with everyone. Its a little long, but very worth watching. Here is another woman, perhaps more accomplished than I, who has a swimwear making company. I have seen her suits o nline, and though I would not be comfortable in them (just because I've been so well covered my whole life, I can't seem to do less :-) And my husband wouldn't want me to), they do cover more than many modern swimsuits. Her message is great! It comes with some research about how men view a woman in a bikini, pretty interesting stuff. I think my favorite suit she has is the Holly:  Unfortunately I couldn't get the video to embed here so here's the link from youtube: Evolution of the Swimsuit

Busyness (not exaggerated)

Wow! That's about all I can say about the volume of emails and orders I've received this year. I guess I should say "Praise the Lord!" My dream of selling modest swimwear online definitely came true. I'm hoping my next dream comes true in the beginning of next year...stay tuned :-) In May of this year I had more orders than I had the entire previous year. Recently, as in 2 weeks ago, I had orders coming in every day, 1 or 2 each day for more than a week. Now, really, I'm not used to having so many so close together. Maybe 4 most in a week. Not 10 orders with over 15 one week! My turn around time has gotten pushed back a bit and at the moment I've put a hold on orders until I get these cleared out. Its been really crazy. Some very late nights and no time to do a few things I really want/need to. Like tend my garden, (its over run with weeds, and if I get it will take a lot of work) and teach my daughter (20 months) to swim. We did get in ...