Busyness (not exaggerated)

Wow! That's about all I can say about the volume of emails and orders I've received this year. I guess I should say "Praise the Lord!" My dream of selling modest swimwear online definitely came true. I'm hoping my next dream comes true in the beginning of next year...stay tuned :-) In May of this year I had more orders than I had the entire previous year. Recently, as in 2 weeks ago, I had orders coming in every day, 1 or 2 each day for more than a week. Now, really, I'm not used to having so many so close together. Maybe 4 most in a week. Not 10 orders with over 15 suits..in one week! My turn around time has gotten pushed back a bit and at the moment I've put a hold on orders until I get these cleared out. Its been really crazy. Some very late nights and no time to do a few things I really want/need to. Like tend my garden, (its over run with weeds, and if I get it back..it will take a lot of work) and teach my daughter (20 months) to swim. We did get in the water some today, though I'm not pushing the swimming thing quite yet. My swimming teacher (the best teacher in the world!!! Shawn Morgan) says that the first step is to get them comfortable and enjoying the water. So that's what we worked on today. And I'm getting off track... lol! Back to the busyness... 

Now, my mother, the one who taught me to sew swimwear has come to my rescue in this busy season. She started with a lady who wanted a rush order of 3 girls ice skater suits. I knew I had no time for anything else, so I called her up and asked her if she wanted to take the order and make some money sewing?? We worked out a little deal, I would cut the suits out and she would put them together. She did a great job! See her work... 

My mom is really awesome, what more can I say? :-) She did these and 2 others in the past 2 weeks, and she'll be doing another this week :-) My sister, Isabel, has also been helping out. She's kind of in apprentice mode. She's doing really great with some things. Like, there was this other lady in Costa Rica last week who wanted a rush order. Again, I had no time for such things. She wanted a nursing suit. Isabel hadn't done one of those before but she'd done several scrunch tops. Isabel spoke up and said she'd like to give it a try. So she sat down next to me on the living room floor, with her fabric and pattern. I also had fabric and the same style pattern in another size. We sat side by side and worked on the cutting. We sewed at the table going through all the steps together. She did great with every step up until the very last step..which was turning the neck binding in and doing the decorative top stitch. This, she messed up royally. Frustrated I dismissed her for the night and decided to finish it myself. I didn't have the time to do this suit, let alone rip out the neckline. And oh my word...she used so many tiny stitches that it took over a half hour! Needless to say, I was NOT thrilled. Frustrated though I was, she had been a lot of help lately and I knew I should look at all she had accomplished and how far she'd gotten the project. It was after all, on its last leg. Its finished now and we got that one out ahead of time. Not so with a couple that I couldn't get to this week. A first for me and I'm definitely not happy about it. I will probably have 2 ladies asking where their suits are. Darn! This is why I'm taking a little bit of break on orders. I like to get the suits to the customer in 3 weeks or less. This week, that's not going to happen for 2 of my orders :-( I either have to accept a certain number per week/month, or just tell people when I have a pile that the timeline gets pushed back. Working through it, and I'm glad to have a mom and sister who sew and can lend a hand if needed. Mom is getting one more order this coming week. ...oh Isabel did these... 

I'm signing off now, its late and I'm not at home at the moment. I'm at the lake :-) My Honey is probably wondering if we're going home or staying over at the lake with my family like we did last night. I'm not yet sure which we'll do. I better go work it out with him :-) Night!


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